It's my third grader's first quarter exams and for some unfathomable reason my life goes on hold whenever they come around. I automatically go on panic mode every time. I crazily start printing reviewers like there's no tomorrow. I read up on all his subjects as if I am the one who will be taking the exams. I've never even studied this much when I myself was going to school!!!
Why do I do this to myself? This is my third round of grade school, fourth including mine, yet I still get frazzled.
The answer dawns on me while I write this entry. Enzo is my youngest son; my baby. He is the last child I will have. I see how fast he is growing and soon enough I will no longer be the #1 person in his life. So, I tightly hold on to anything that will anchor him to me. If it means watching his fave show so I can differentiate
Phineas from Ferb or listen to
Justin Bieber call his "Baby, Baby" or learn the intricacies of each
"Bionicles" or drive myself crazy during exam week...then count me in.
I do all these in preparation for the time that he won't need or want me around so much, more so for myself than his.
Now, before I leave, I'd like to show you a way on how I keep myself prepared for those unscheduled and unexpected occasions.
I keep a stack of assorted gift tags on hand that will match any gift wrapping paper to fit any given occasion.

Gotta go! It's late and I need to wake up early tomorrow to see the kids off to school. Nyt!